“A project born from the hearts of women”
It is from the right encounters that the most beautiful things, virtuous and fruitful projects can be born.
It all started in 2004 with a request from Sister Laura Bonin, of the Immaculate Queen of Peace Institute, to Doctor Reynaldi: to help a small group of women from Bobo Dioulasso, in Burkina Faso, find a job.
Despite being one of the poorest territories in all of Africa, Burkina Faso has great wealth: what in those parts is known as the "tree of beauty", better known as the Shea tree. From the nuts of this Shea Butter is extracted from an extraordinary plant: a true concentrate of nourishing and soothing properties for the skin whose artisanal processing is no longer easily found in Italy.
Hence Doctor Reynaldi's idea:
Hence Doctor Reynaldi's idea:
Hence Doctor Reynaldi's idea:
Hence Doctor Reynaldi's idea:
Hence Doctor Reynaldi's idea:
Hence Doctor Reynaldi's idea:
Hence Doctor Reynaldi's idea: